Lichenology -
the knowledge of lichens

Welcome to the Hungarian lichenological homepage!

Our homepage - according to our aims - is a source of scientifically precise information on lichens, lichenology and lichenologists in a popular style as much as it is possible.
General knowledge and results of research in Hungary and in the world are intended to make it easily available for all who is interested in to help the distribution of the results and the development of this field of science.
In this way we hope to contribute to the understanding of the role and importance of lichens and lichenological research in nature, in human life and society.

Institute of Ecology and Botany, Centre for Ecological Research,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-2163 Vácrátót, Hungary
Telephone: +36 28 360 122 ext. 139

Important events:
2nd Young lichenologists' workshop in Hungary,
12-15 November 2015, Budapest (Click here for details )

Recent news:
"Earth Day 2014"- interview with Edit Farkas (Hungarian language)

Lichenological handbook published in Hungarian (details)